GoComet’s D&D Intel Designed to Slash Supply Chain Costs

D&D Intel will help to prevent detention and demurrage overhead, and support logistics teams in better managing their freight with more visibility, predictive alerts and exception workflows.

Go Comet D&d Intel

GoComet introduced D&D Intel to its artificial intelligence (AI)-powered supply chain visibility platform. D&D Intel will help to prevent detention and demurrage overhead, and support logistics teams in better managing their freight with more visibility, predictive alerts and exception workflows.

“Supply chain stakeholders universally face the challenges of delays, impacting both customer experience and overhead costs. Detention and demurrage charges significantly contribute to carrier revenues while draining resources for beneficial cargo owners,” says Gautam Prem Jain, GoComet CEO and co-founder.

Key takeaways:

  • GoComet’s visibility data revealed that 64% of shipments experience delays of two or more days, amounting to approximately $900,000 of potential D&D costs to shippers.
  • D&D Intel offers accurate cost calculations, provides critical alerts and insights, comes equipped with a comprehensive dashboard and entails enhanced shipment management.

“By utilizing D&D Intel to optimize international shipping expenses for every shipment, businesses can potentially save millions in overhead costs,” adds Jain.

